You saw his first tip involved a basket as a training aid. This time, Scott Tanguay of the Coastal Golf Academy in Myrtle Beach, S.C. is upping the ante! See what he’s got in store for you in part 2 of his session on avoiding the shanks.
Scott Tanguay:
Hey guys, Scott Tanguay here with The Coastal Golf Academy. Today we’re going to revisit the shanking epidemic. It’s not as big of a deal as it looks. Something important to understand as well is, a lot of people when they do it, they think they just had the face wide open, so as a righty golfer, and you hit it sideways to the right, a lot of people think the face was too open through impact.
That’s not really what’s happening. There’s just no loft and there’s no straightness, when it hits off that corner, it could go other directions, but probably 80, 90 percent of the time it’s just going to shoot way right, so don’t try and shut the face anymore. Let’s just try and make center contact, even if you hit it a little off the toe, no big deal. Remember, what we talk about is, what can happen a lot is we’re swinging too much from the inside, or simply just the hands or the weight in your body get too much out towards the toes.
You only have about a half inch to a quarter inch to work with, it might hit the hosel, so let’s keep our weight back into the heels, into the tush a little bit, keep those hands in and just make sure you’re not too in the out or too flat. Now what we said was, you can use a basket or you can use a noodle, another club, an alignment stick. Those are all good and fine, and that’s probably the smart way to do it.
If you need an added challenge and you need some pressure, why not put the golf cart next to the ball and see if you can give that a go? We’re here, needing a little extra pressure, give this a try. Make sure … You definitely don’t want to hit the tire, so we’re going to turn that corner, get that club in front of me and feel like my weight’s almost going into my lead heel there. Let’s see if we can do it.
Alright, give that a try!