Handicap Index
Pearl West | Hole 16
As a Myrtle Beach Golf Passport member, you are now extended the opportunity to purchase a $30 membership into the Carolinas Golf Association (CGA) and the South Carolina Golf Association (SCGA) and join a growing membership of more than 150,000 golfers at over 700 member clubs in the Carolinas. The membership is valid for the calendar year – January through December.
Through this Myrtle Beach Golf Passport Affiliate membership program and as part of this combined CGA/SCGA membership, you will receive access to the World Handicap System and will be issued a GHIN handicap where you can record your scores and keep track of how your game is progressing.
In addition to the World Handicap System and being able to keep track of your Handicap Index as a Carolinas Golf Association Member you will also receive the following benefits:
- Affordable Net and Gross tournaments held for Association Members.
- Access to the latest news, tournament results and more located on www.carolinasgolf.org and www.scgolf.org.
- A central source of answers for all golfers about the Rules of Golf, Rules of Amateur Status and Amateur Reinstatement, and the New World Handicap System. This will include access to seminars and presentations for CGA members.
- Online tournament registration will be available to you along with handicap updates and revisions sent to you via email.
- You will be able to keep track of your statistics and receive news updates directly from the CGA.
- Free mobile app to post your scores daily, register for events and keep track of your scoring history.
- And much more…
To sign up to secure a new World Handicap and become a member of the Carolinas Golf Association. You will just need to follow the steps below:
- Make sure you are logged into your Myrtle Beach Passport Account.
- Click on the green Passport Clubhouse button on the righthand side of this page.
- Click on “Join CGA/SCGA”.
- You will be redirected to a registration portal page exclusively for Myrtle Beach Golf Passport cardholders.
- Do NOT try to sign in on this page just click “New Registration”.
- You will agree to the $30 fee and then submit all of your general contact information.
- If you are transferring your GHIN account from another club please include your GHIN number on the registration form and if you are starting a new service this portion of the form can be left blank.
- On the third page of the signup form you will need to create an account with Golf Genius (which is just account that you must now have with GHIN service). .
- You will enter your email, first and last name and create a password.
Some of you may already have an account that you are not aware that you have. If this is the case you will only be asked only for your email and password on this page. If you do not know your password you must click forgot password and have an email sent to you to recreate one as you can only have one account per email address. This will be the case if you are transferring your GHIN number from another club, or if you are a renewal of your MB Passport Handicap Service. - You will then be taken to the payment page to enter your billing address for the credit card you are using to purchase your GHIN membership.
- The final page is the payment page to pay for the service.
- Once you have paid for the service you will receive an email confirming your payment.
- As soon as your Passport membership is confirmed your account will be approved and you will receive an email with your GHIN number that you will need to login to your account to post your scores. Please allow 3-5 business days for your membership to be approved.
If you have any issues while trying to get signed up for the service you can send an email to info@myrtlebeachgolfpassport.com or call 843-477-8822.
If you have any issues while trying to get signed up for the service you can send an email to info@myrtlebeachgolfpassport.com or call 843-477-8822.