SPECIAL OFFICE HOURS: Monday, February 17 – CLOSED; Thursday, February 20 open 11:00-4:00

2024-25 Passport available for purchase valid through 7/31/25 and 2024-25 Snowbird Passport available for purchase valid December 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025!  Membership is activated within one business day!

For fastest service, purchase your membership card online.  Questions Email: Info@myrtlebeachgolfpassport.com

How to Sign Up for the Myrtle Beach Golf Passport Program

Signing up for the Myrtle Beach Golf Passport membership program has never been easier! Check out our quick tutorial video to see how you can be part of it today!

Visit our website at MyrtleBeachGolfPassport.com, and click the green “Join Now” button in the upper right-hand corner.

Select one of two membership options for either the annual Passport program for local residents, or the Snowbird seasonal program for non-residents.

If you have a discount code for this membership, click the green link, enter the discount code, then hit “Apply.”

Enter your new account information – first, by choosing a password. Your password should be a minimum of 12 characters long, and use a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols.

Enter your first and last name, along with your email address.

Under “Proof of Residency,” first select the dropdown option that matches your residency status, then click “Choose File” to attach proof of your property ownership. Please be sure that your digital documentation is in a PDF, JPG, or PNG file format, and that the file size does not exceed 3 MB.

Next, under “More Information,” indicate whether you prefer to pick up your card in person. If yes, we’ll hold your Passport Card in our Myrtle Beach Golf Passport office for in-person pickup. If no, we will mail it to the address you indicate later in the process.

Upload a photo of yourself to include on your new membership card. Please be sure that your digital photo file is in JPG, GIF or PNG format, and that the file size neither exceeds 2,000 pixels wide by 2,000 pixels tall, nor exceeds 3 MB.

Choose your gender, and your birth date.

Next, tell us how often you’d like to receive Passport emails that indicate the most up to date tee time rates at our member courses. You can choose to receive these emails as frequently as daily, or as infrequently as once a month.

Tell us how you heard about the Passport program, by selecting the most accurate option in the dropdown menu.

For the “Billing Address” section, fill all required fields including country, first and last name, address, city, state, postal code, and phone number.

If the shipping address is the same as your billing address, simply check the box in this section. If different, be sure this box is unchecked so you can enter the appropriate information.

Under “Payment Information,” enter your credit or debit card information. If you have a discount code, you may also enter it in this section.

Once all fields are complete, click the green “Submit & Check Out” button.

If you missed any required fields in the signup form, those fields will be highlighted in pink. Simply go back to provide the information in those fields, then hit the green “Submit & Check Out” button again.

Once all required fields have been properly completed, you’ll then be redirected to a page confirming your membership purchase. A confirmation will also be sent to the email you provided earlier in the signup process.