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Golf Tip – Fixing the Thin Shot

MB Golf Passport: Fixing The Thin Shot

The thin golf shot – many have probably struggled with this at one point. It can be very frustrating and can ruin your day quickly. But, with the help of this quick tip from local teaching professional Ted Frick, you should start to see improvement in your game.

Check it out below! Let us know in the comment section below if this tip helped you.

I'm trying to add clarity to missed shots. We call it troubleshooting. You start understanding what’s causing the flaw and then you start understanding the solution. Now we call it a blind struggle. So, I’ve got a little impact bag here, but the missed shot I'm talking about is that thin shot. I'm talking about the whiff to almost just a top shot.

Everybody tries to fix it for you. Your buddies and your girlfriend are going try to fix it by telling you to keep your head down. In my 26 years of just teaching on that tee box in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, I have seen a lot of golf swings – and never seen a golfer look up. The number one reason for the top shot: tension. There’s so much pulling up – I'm talking about from the trapezius muscle to the deltoid to the grip pressure to the lead arm. You're trying to help the ball in the air, so you start pulling up.

Well, at Classic Swing Golf School we preach the “cooked spaghetti noodle.” Relax it. I’ve got one of my favorite teachers here today, just an old impact bag. We've pounded at the golf school with the real soft lead arm, but get that trailing arm coming in. When the trailing arm's coming in, make sure it's extended and when you extend, push. The bag's one of the popular stations. I'm going to show you just a quick drill.

For those that hit top shots, again, the number one thing is that it has nothing to do with looking up. You do need to understand, you have to push down the shaft when you're coming in an impact.

I like to call it my fold, straight and roll where I let it fold, straighten and roll. This is just a little pitch, but it really helps eliminate that thin shot.

Even with a hybrid, I'm still pushing down, I'm still driving down really soft and giving it some muscle power down there.